Cybertrix was launched in November 2021, received really a warm welcome, much more than we expected. we were not aware when the first batch was sold out. We should have prepared more.
However, we had to continue with our new projects according to the time plan. COVID-19 brought everyone various changes and troubles, which really delayed our job. Till now, we are able to produce one more batch of Cybertrix.
This time, we are collaborat with RIKE KNIFE. Beside type A and type B, we add type C to meet the feedback from our friends. The blade shape of Type C is more friendly, not so "special". Meanwhile, we will improve some details which is invisible but we are going to improve, always!
They will be available soon, will be earlier than the "copy" hopefully.

Sold... When will these be available? Or can I preorder the type C blade? Thanks!
I'll email you when it is available
Will these be available for shipping to Australia?
I think it's possible,Now on